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Video Tape Transfer

Planning to Edit Video From a Playable or Data DVD?

There’s a couple things you should know if planning to do video editing from files that have been burned to a DVD, either as a playable movie or digital files loaded onto a DVD. Often times, in order to fit large amounts of video onto a single DVD, the files must be compressed down to...
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What Are the Best Blank DVDs to Use?

Many people are starting to realize that the need to transfer their important family memories onto DVD is rapidly approaching. Many people have already transferred their home movies, but unfortunately, they transferred them onto inferior, poor quality discs. As a result of this, some are losing their family memories MUCH sooner than they would have...
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Videotape Restoration Tips and Helpful Advice

The goal of videotape restoration is to create a product that looks or sounds better than the source. This can be accomplished through a variety of ways, and commonly uses a combination of factors to achieve the desired results. Results will often vary, depending on the condition of the video, and what combination of techniques...
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Betacam to DVD Services in San Diego

DVD Your Memories can transfer Betacam and Betacam SP to DVD or hard drive! Betacam tapes were developed by Sony, and first appeared on the market in 1982. Although Sony’s Betamax lost the consumer-format war to JVC’s VHS tape, a similar battle in the professional world was also fought with different results. During the 1980’s,...
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U-matic to DVD Services in Denver!

U-Matic video tape was one of the first video tape formats to be housed within a cassette, as opposed to the open reel video which was the standard at the time. Conceived by Sony in Japan, U-Matic video tapes were released in the early 1970’s. The video tape was 3/4″ in width, which is a...
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Turn Your Old VHS Tape Into a Secret Hiding Spot

After digitizing their VHS tapes, many people wonder what to do with them after transferring… Throw them away? Recycle them? Donate? Aside from the multitude of arts and crafts you can create from your old media, there’s also a way to still gain some use out of your old video tapes by turning them into...
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